Is your child disobedient, bad tempered, has tantrums and just doesn't listen?

Like most parents
my child had a bad temper, and would
have tantrums if he did not get what he wanted.
Everyone thought I was just spoiling him but I know I wasn't he was just hard to control. I tried everything that I could think of. I had brought all the books, DVDs and tapes out there but nothing was helping me. Now I have all the help I need thanks to this information that I'm going to share with you.

Kids Love Learning, Playing, and Are Very inquisitive

We All Do Anything For Them So They Are

Happy , Healthy And Well Behaved

December 26, 2009

Need Help With Temper And Tantrums In Older Children "Help Is Here "Free Copy Of The Parenting Solutions Journal"


Post Institute for Family-Centered Therapy
 Need Help With Temper And Tantrums In Older Children "Help Is Here"

Child disobedience or defiance were dwindling in schools that used this model and teachers started talking.
Bryan Post  started doing research and spent a lot of time sifting through information, trying to figure out if his dream of helping traumatized and adopted children could actually be a reality.

Your child may be like Bryan Post My parents loved me and tried to raise me as best they could but didn't know until I was an adult of the severe behaviors I was displaying behind their backs. Everyone thought I was the perfect kid--good grades and a star football player. Of course no one can live their whole life without natural consequences for behaviors that severe. Your child may be like me. You may be watching him destroy his life as a teen or you may be recognizing the early signs children show when they haven't attached to family members properly. Whatever the case, you are you looking for answers.
As you observe your child you know his/her life will never be what it was meant to be unless you get help. But how do you, as a parent, get that to happen? 


There Had To Be A Better Way!
Bryan Post  started doing research and spent a lot of time sifting through information, trying to figure out if his dream of helping traumatized and adopted children could actually be a reality.
How could he help teens who were compulsively stealing?
How could he help toddlers who were unhappy nearly 100% of the time--crying with no hope of being consoled?
And what about their parents? Committed people who wanted to love their children into  healing but who had run out of answers.
How could he help toddlers who were unhappy nearly 100% of the time--crying with no hope of being consoled?
He needed to figure out a way to help parents be Avenues Of Therapy for their own children.
He wanted to give teachers and therapists the tools to support these parents on their journey and be a consistent support system for families like these. Read More Here

My children were out of control, I had bruises up and down my arms from trying to fend off my 35 pound, 5 year old daughter, when we discovered Bryan Post's resources, but particularly The Great Behavior Breakdown.  Since then, our home has been transformed from a war zone to a place of relative peace.  We would still be miserable if it weren't for the techniques we found in this resource.
---Sandra N , Home Schooling adoptive mom of three
What an eye opener! I have gone from tolerating my sons to really
enjoying them. I would recommend your approach to everyone
including educators. I am really learning a lot about myself, and my
— A Allan.  VA
The Great Behavior Breakdown is a user friendly guide for healing and life change. It is not for the faint of heart, that is, those who wish to hold onto their old paradigms.  Experience how putting love into action heals relationships and extinguishes negative behaviors. Bryan’s work is revolutionizing the way we need to parent our children.
— Ken T, MS, LPC and Christian counselor

If you would like a free copy of the Parenting Solutions Journal--one of the support tools he developed as a result of his research. Click Here to download your free journal. You also can purchase his e-book and solutions bundle, providing strategies to combat 27 different problem behaviors. Read More Here

 Leave Your Conventional Thinking And Embark On A New Path. 
This new paradigm is effective but goes against traditional behavioral therapy
His solutions require therapists, educators, and parents to take responsibility for their own part in the problem.
There is a whole group of people making money off the old, ineffective paradigm. It is much easier to punish a behavior than it is to get to the heart of the issue.
Talking through the behaviors fostered and adopted children exhibit is often painful and it takes time.
Changing our parenting paradigms takes time and energy and many foster and adoptive
parents are short on both.
Bryan Post   came up with what he call the Stress Model, which incorporates Dr. Perry's research with my own observations after years of working with abused and neglected kids.
As the years have passed, the scientific evidence for these concepts only gets stronger.  The Stress Model is a simple way to explain some very complex issues of the brain so that parents, teachers, and therapists can understand how to lead a child to healing without getting a degree in neuroscience! Read More Here.

The Great Behavior Breakdown e-book The Great Behavior Breakdown coverand Digital Solutions Bundle!
The Great Behavior Breakdown identifies 27 of the most problematic, serious, and challenging behaviors that parents and educators face. They are broken down and readers are provided step-by-step guidance and insight for transforming family and classroom conflict immediately. Combined with the 8 MP3 audios, a bonus e-book on lying.  If you would like to purchase his e-book and solutions bundle, providing strategies to combat 27 different problem click Here